The End of the Road


Hey friends. Today we have something important to share with you about our future. For the last 5 years you have been with us on this incredible journey of creating World to Build, a game that we hoped would bring joy, fun, and creativity to many people.

However, after much deliberation and evaluation, we have come to a difficult decision. The partners have agreed it’s no longer viable to continue developing World to Build. This is not a decision we made lightly, but we believe it’s the best one for us and for you. There isn’t a perfect way to write this post, or a perfect way to encapsulate all of the reasons, data, and feelings that go into a decision like this, but we’ll do our best.

We feel that the sandbox gaming space is dominated by companies way ahead of the competition and it’s often a challenge to attract and maintain players and developers, help produce high quality games, and continue development of our platform all at the same time. Many user generated content platforms build off of some existing player base, which is something we haven’t had the luck or money to enjoy. Additionally, many players prefer to play games, make friends, and develop on sandbox platforms that already have a saturated economy (existing players, developers, games, items, etc). We’ve changed our platform and our approach in various ways and we unfortunately have not seen the return that we wanted. To be upfront, after 5 years of development, we’ve come to realize we don’t have the time or resources to continue kicking the can down the road.

We started this project in 2018 as a group of college students who wanted to recreate the magic of the games we loved as kids. We had no clear vision, no roadmap, and no expectations. We just wanted to make something that would make us and others happy. Little did we know that we would be entering a 5+ year project where we would have amazing experiences with all of you. You made us laugh, cry, smile, and learn. You inspired us with your creativity, your passion, your feedback, and your support. You were the reason we kept going, even when things got tough.

But we also made mistakes. We know we disappointed you at times, and we apologize for that. We’re not perfect, but we always tried our best. We’re grateful for your patience, your understanding, your loyalty, and your forgiveness. You were part of our highs and lows, and we will never forget that. The friendships we made, the art you created, the games, the memes, and the memories we made with you will always have a special place in our hearts.

To our partners, we want to express our gratitude. We grew and improved together. Not only as game developers, but as people. We could not have done this without the help of developers, volunteers, community partners, moderators, and many others. You all contributed to our success and our progress. We want to especially thank the original founding partners, Garrett, Brennan, Mark, Chloe, and Ben for your dedication and hard work in the early days of World to Build. You were the foundation of this game, and we owe you a lot.

So what happens next? Well, sadly, this means that we will no longer update or maintain the platform. The website and the client will still be available until May 20th, 2024. Afterwards, a memorial page will replace the website on the domain.

As for the team, we are hopeful that we will find new opportunities to create something fun again in the future, but for now, we need some time to rest and reflect. Thank you all for the 5 years of wonderful memories. You have always been the best part of this game, and we’re glad we got to share it with you.

Your Friends at World to Build